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CIOs Accomplishment First 10 Years

Advancing Our Agenda

CIO leaders and volunteers worked to advance community issues to City staff, City Council, Metro and State agencies; in some cases, created change. Other projects facilitated communication of City information to the neighborhoods. This list of Top Activities also includes projects by the CIO using CIO grant money or other funding from the City of Tualatin.

During the past 10 years, we’ve served as community safety advocates, watchdogs of regulation changes, and enforcement, Tualatin livability and equity advocates, and agents of strong neighborhood bonds.

Community Safety Advocates

Advancing Solutions

  • Ibach and Midwest CIO – Championed for many years the much-needed Garden Corners Curves construction/sidewalk project.

  • All CIOs - Confirmed pedestrian safety as a priority in TSP, assisted in locating marked crosswalks, speed control signs in school zones, $20 million bond to fund some of these projects.

  • All CIOs - Requested creation of emergency preparedness support resulting in creation of CERT, Ham Radio Emergency Net, and Tualatin Neighborhood Ready (TNR) education outreach both in person and via Zoom. CERT currently has 109 active CERTs and 87 licensed Ham operators.

  • Commercial CIO, Riverpark CIO, East CIO, Martinazzi Woods CIO, Midwest CIO, Byrom CIO - Used grant funds to purchase CIO neighborhood CERT team emergency kits.

  • East CIO, Martinazzi Woods CIO - Used grant funds to purchase base station communication Ham radio equipment including solar panels.

Watchdogs of Regulation Changes & Enforcement

Tackling the Issue

  • Riverpark CIO – Addressing neighborhood livability, created Clean Air Safe Environment Committee (CASE), partnering with Metro and DEQ to monitor Grimm’s composting.  Reports of violations to TVFR led to code enforcement. CASE later supported Grimm’s application for Metro grant and the company now operates a state of art facility and has a Good Neighbor Agreement with Riverpark neighborhood. Process significantly reduced odors and improved relationship between neighbors and company.

  • Ibach CIO – Participated in planning meetings and requested that the elevated bridge on SW Blake Street at Garden Corner’s curve be removed from the Transportation System Plan (TSP).

  • Commercial CIO - Helped protect private parking for restaurants in the downtown core from transit competitors by holding stakeholder meetings with City Council members and City staff.

  • Riverpark CIO - Held meetings providing community feedback challenging a proposed mini-mart/gas station within the boundary of residential homes.  Communication with developer highlighted loss of residential property value due to FHA restriction on financing homes near gas stations. Developer agreed. City changed zoning to prohibit gas stations in that location.

  • Commercial CIO - Helped revise zoning ordinance to mixed-use commercial from industrial only for two city blocks adjacent to downtown, thereby assisting commercial property owners and tenants.

  • Riverpark CIO - Raised issues such as costs, flood zone limitations, and traffic impact of extending light rail downtown resulting in a citizen led effort to prohibit light rail in Tualatin without a vote of the people.

  • East CIO - Helped facilitate neighborhood response to Meridian Park Hospital expansion with the final project acceptable to Legacy and neighborhood.

Tualatin Livability & Equity Advocates

Making a Difference

  • Riverpark CIO, Martinazzi Woods CIO, Byrom CIO, Midwest CIO - Used grant funds to purchase street sign toppers to show CIO boundaries

  • East CIO - supported Ride Connection expansion to outside Tualatin's east boundary.

  • Riverpark CIO - Used CIO grant funds to install 2 park benches in the Pony Ridge Greenway.

  • East CIO - Used grant funds to support new track at Bridgeport Elementary School.

  • East CIO, Midwest CIO, Riverpark CIO, Ibach CIO – Promoted allowing backyard chickens into municipal code.

Agents of Strong Neighborhood Bonds

Doing What’s Needed

  • All CIOs - Prior to Jan 2020 and the pandemic, held annual meetings with members inviting Tualatin Police, TVFR, and City representatives to make presentations on current topics. Since the pandemic, two CIOs held member meetings via Zoom.

  • Riverpark CIOs – Over a period of year, Invited neighbors to promote, gain City approval, and assisted with the design of a new off-leash dog area in Jurgen's Park.

  • Martinazzi Woods CIO - Used CIO grant to promote National Night Out by funding party supplies for multiple neighborhoods.


  • Riverpark CIO, East CIO, Martinazzi Woods CIO, Midwest CIO, Ibach CIO, Byrom CIO – All residential CIOs mapped out their areas and joined Nextdoor to help bring neighbors and organizations together by CIO area.  

  • All CIOs – Invited Tualatin Neighborhood Ready (TNR) to their neighborhoods, homes, and businesses to create local emergency plans.  More than 750 residents and businesses have participated in TNR education programs.

  • Midwest CIO – Used CIO grant money to host annual ice cream social attended by 75-100 Midwest neighbors.

  • All CIOs – The CIOs have functioned as a leadership development process by identifying, training, and providing community members the opportunity to serve on CIO boards.  This experience has developed into interest in serving on city advisory boards, and as city councilors or mayor.

Community Development

Tackling the Issue

We see every challenge as an opportunity, and this initiative helps us ensure that our partners are better prepared to manage the unique situations they find themselves in. We are invested in an innovative approach that empowers our community and delivers the support they need, when they need it.

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