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Welcome to Byrom CIO

The Byrom Community Involvement Organization (CIO) is one of six residential CIOs located in separate geographical areas of Tualatin. The map shows the outline of our neighborhood – Byrom.  Byrom CIO includes established neighborhoods and the newly annexed portion of Basalt Creek.  Our membership is open to all who reside or own property in this area. The Byrom CIO Board and its volunteers supports members by working with the City of Tualatin and other government agencies when questions, ideas and/or complaints are brought to our attention. Our focus is on community safety, livability, equity and a sense of community.

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Join Us!

Please join your community in the inaugural community fair at the newly renovated Ibach Park on June 29th from 1pm to 3pm. This event is hosted by your Byrom and Ibach CIOs.


What is a CIO?

Community Involvement Organizations (CIOs) were implemented by the residents in coordination with the Tualatin City government to improve communication with one another and the City government. There are six neighborhood CIOs and one commercial CIO. People on your CIO board are elected volunteers who live in your community. You will have the opportunity to meet your CIO leadership team at this fair.


You can identify the CIO that covers your neighborhood on the map displayed in this article, also linked on The CIO’s are funded by a “Neighborhood, Cultural, Social and Recreational” grant from the city that allows the CIOs to have a event such as this at no cost to the community.


What/Who will be at this event?

  • Activities: Face painting by local artists - Games for kids - Touch a truck - Arts and crafts - Snacks/Fruit and Drinks

  • The City will have a booth representing several different departments  including the Police Department.

  • Organizations attending: Byrom CIO Board - Ibach CIO Board - Far West Recycling/Far West Metals - Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue - The Grange - Tualatin Together - Historical Society.


We look forward to seeing you!

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For the first 10 years of the CIO program, Byrom CIO had very few changes.  Today, significant projects may impact livability.  Please contact us to see how you can get involved.  To learn more email Tim Neary at

Approved Projects Impacting Byrom -Large Multi-Family Development

VAR 21-0003-- Plambeck Gardens Architectural Review Board Public Hearing Wednesday, June 8, 2022, at 6:30 pm

Hearing Update:  The hearing to approve two project variances was held by the Tualatin Planning Commission on Thursday, November 18, 2021.  


Project was approved.



Although public testimony asked that variance approval be delayed until a further analysis of the poor bus service could be performed and a current review of the traffic on SW Boones Ferry could be compared to the new double-access on the road, the Commission approved the applicant request.  


The next public hearing will be held before the City of Tualatin Architectural Review Board on Wednesday June 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. All are invited to attend the hearing and testify verbally. The hearing will be held at the Tualatin Service Center, 10699 SW Herman Road, Tualatin, OR 97062, and a Zoom meeting link will be published with the meeting agenda and packet materials at:


You may view the application materials on the City of Tualatin Projects web page:





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Lack of Mass Transit Service on SW Boones Ferry

The affordable housing project requires mass transit connections in order to justify the density and lack of parking.  Byrom CIO is asking for feedback from our neighbors to see if this concern is widely held.

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Approved Projects Impacting Byrom - 400 Lot Subdivision of Single Family and Multiple Family Lots with Commercial Sites 

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SB 21-0001 and CUP 21-0001 Autumn Sunrise Off SW Norwood

Hearing Date:  Has been moved to Thursday, December 2, 2021 via Zoom  


The application was approved.

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Traffic Study Understates Impact On SW Boones Ferry

The massive document overlooks the existing failure of SW Boones Ferry to meet current traffic demands and relies on future connection into Stafford Hamlet that may never happen.

Traffic on SW Boones Ferry

Volume of current traffic on SW Boones Ferry far exceeds the capacity.  Byrom neighbors are extremely concerned that livability will be destroyed by additional projects feeding traffic on SW Boones Ferry and the potential bridge crossing  Tapman Creek/Basalt Creek from SW 124th to SW Greenhill Lane.

Plambeck Gardens Is a Bad Fit

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Traffic Around Tualatin HS Dangerous

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Lack of Infrastructure for Basalt Creek Traffic

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Norwood Annexation Traffic - Where Can It Go?

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Byrom CIO Accomplishments

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Crosswalk with Flashing Lights at Tualatin H.S.

Residents from Byrom, Midwest, and Martinazzi Woods CIOs worked together for many years with the City of Tualatin to move this project forward.  This recently completed crosswalk at Tualatin H.S. has improved pedestrian safety on a very busy road. Tualatin 2018 transportation safety bond funded the crosswalk.  Byrom residents strongly supported the bond measure.

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Pedestrian Safety Top Priority

Byrom residents have for many years expressed concerns about pedestrian traffic on SW Boones Ferry, especially children walking to school.  Boones Ferry Corridor Sidewalk & Bike Lane project will complete missing segments of bike lanes and sidewalks, & repair sidewalks, pathways, and bike lanes that do not meet current standards along Boones Ferry Road from Warm Springs Street to Norwood Road.  The photograph show the newly completed sidewalk on S It is funded by the 2018 Tualatin bond transportation safety measure endorsed by Midwest CIO volunteers.

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National Night Out

The Byrom CIO residents have held multiple National Night Out events.  It is celebrated on the first Tuesday in August and promotes first responder-community partnerships.  Tualatin Police Officers and Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue crews make rounds to greet folks at each of the events.


Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT)

Byrom CIO supports the Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT).  These volunteers have the training and focus to help neighbors in emergencies, such as power outage, floods and earthquake.  Each volunteer can set up a command center, offer search and rescue, provide basic first aid and communicate with City and County emergency response centers through HAM radios.  Out of 108 active CERTs, Midwest has 11 members, 7 of which have their HAM radio license.


Visit CERT Website


Tualatin Neighborhood Ready

Byrom residents have hosted multiple neighborhood ready/map your neighborhood preparedness meetings.

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